ABOUT mike
Meet Mike McDaniel
I love the bride of Christ! In all of her flaws, imperfections, and brokenness, there is still beauty in the bride. I see myself in the brokenness and the emerging beauty. For some, a church has hurt them deeply. I get it. It has me, too. I get why some give up on the church and walk away. At the same time, I am drawn to the belonging, the mission, the potential, and most of all, the Groom.
Since 1989, Lori and I have given ourselves to working in and with the flawed yet beautiful bride of Christ. We have served it in third-world countries and suburban America. We have been a part of a century-old community and started new communities from the ground up. We have devoted our lives to serving His bride.
My training through various undergrad, graduate, and postgraduate work has equipped me well. Couple the training with more than thirty-five years of faithful and fruitful ministry, and we are positioned for the next season of ministry. We know people who are running away from God and others who are running hard after God. Whichever camp you find yourself in, let's journey together. We know struggling churches that would benefit from our crystalized intelligence to move their ministry and organization forward into their next season. Let's journey together.
On a personal note, we have three adult children who are married and walking with Jesus! The most exciting fun fact about us is the six amazing grandchildren that we get to love and invest in (aka spoil).
Let me hear from you. I believe in prayer! Would you tell me how I can pray with you?
“I have known Mike since 1986, I have seen him in the earliest days of ministry and served beside him for the past 18 years. I consider it a privilege to see God use him as a pastor, church planter, and missionary to Africa. He has a determined heart to reach people for Christ, disciple them, and lead them to active ministry. He is an energetic and engaging speaker, drawing on his years of ministry and biblical studies, but chiefly on the Word of God. One of his greatest strengths is in personal relationships, and it would be impossible to number those who count him as a devoted friend.”
- Tim